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Seaweed White
Õrn mullilisus toob värske noodi sisse, järelmaitse õrnalt mõrkjas. Sobib hästi suvisele piknikule. Õrna mulliga, hapukas ja puuviljane. Vähemagus hea valge vein! Tasub proovida. Võib juua veel.
7.59€ 5600965801978 2024-07-07 23:52:29 Beverage Bliss
ChatGPT Logo AI: The Seaweed White is a delightful white wine that offers a unique and refreshing experience. With a gentle effervescence that brings a fresh note to the palate, it has a subtly bitter aftertaste that adds depth to each sip. Perfect for a summer picnic, this wine is described as having a delicate effervescence, a tangy and fruity flavor profile. It is a less sweet, good choice for white wine lovers. The overall taste is well-rounded and enjoyable, scoring high in drinkability. The aroma is rated at 6.3, the aftertaste at 7.0, and the taste at 7.7. If you're looking for a white wine that is versatile and easy to enjoy, the Seaweed White is definitely worth a try. Cheers to more enjoyable moments with a glass of this wine in hand!

Average: 7.50/10 7.59€ Beverage Bliss