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Litovel Moravan
Mõrkjas ja humalane. Lahjemapoolne õlu, kuid siiski maitseküllane. Kindlasti parem kui tavalised Eesti õlled, kuid erilist elamust just ei paku. Veidi vesine lonks, aga piisavalt mõrudust järelmaitses. Sobib palaval päeval õuetöid tehes hästi janu kustutamiseks ja närvide rahustamiseks.
1.70€ 4742024130740 2024-07-27 17:16:12 Beverage Bliss
ChatGPT Logo AI: The Litovel Moravan beer is a dark and hoppy brew that offers a flavor-packed experience despite leaning towards the lighter side. It outshines typical Estonian beers, although it may not deliver an exceptionally memorable drinking encounter. The drink presents a slightly watery texture but compensates with sufficient bitterness in the aftertaste. Ideal for quenching thirst and calming the nerves while tackling outdoor tasks on a scorching day. With a pleasant aroma, decent carbonation, and a satisfying finish, this beer scores high on drinkability, making it a suitable choice for casual enjoyment.

Average: 6.70/10 1.70€ Beverage Bliss