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Name Score Comments Barcode Date Category
Cafe Estoril Lisboa Branco
Tugeva maitsega ja aromaatne! Maitse järgi võiks öelda, et tegu on kangema veiniga. Hea. Magushapukas. Järelmaitses tunda natuke mõrudust, aroom õrnalt lilleline.
5.99€ 4740158010587 2024-07-07 23:03:43 Beverage Bliss
ChatGPT Logo AI: The Cafe Estoril Lisboa Branco is a delightful wine that truly stands out with its strong flavor and aromatic profile. From the first sip, you can sense that this is a wine with character and depth. It strikes a perfect balance between sweetness and acidity, making it a pleasure to drink. The aftertaste reveals a hint of bitterness, adding complexity to its overall flavor profile. The aroma is delicately floral, enhancing the overall sensory experience. With a solid score across the board for aroma, aftertaste, drinkability, and taste, this wine is definitely one to savor and enjoy.

Average: 8.13/10 5.99€ Beverage Bliss